Cooking Family (Blog 2)
For me, cooking has always been a normal part of my home life. My entire immediate family can cook as well. I learned most of what I know through my dad who learned from his dad. I like to think that my grandpa is where this love of cooking at home originates. Even in his later years, he spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I really believe he couldn't live without cooking the food that he wanted to eat. His apparent refusal to follow his doctors advise provides further support to my belief. While my older sisters were out spending time with their friends, I remember spending entire weekend afternoons cooking with my dad. Spaghetti sauce was my favorite to make. It was a slow process and it felt like such a long wait to get through it but it was always worth it. In recent years I have developed my own recipe, strongly influenced from my dad's and one of my sisters said she likes mine more, quite the compliment indeed. It's very rare that I go an entire day without ...